Saturday 21 April 2012

Chapter one of module one C&G Certificate in Embroidery

I have now completed the first chapter of my course and from this I....
  • Created my own 'Mood boards' finding images from the internet and magazines
  • Took many photos of all the 'crosses' and 'star's I could find around the home
  • Produced line drawings based on this research I had gathered plus other examples I found in various books
  • Produced a few rubbings of star and cross patterns from items found around the home
  • Produced a colour wheel to help me focus my colour story
Below are some selected images that 'summarise' the above work I have produced:

The above image shows an A3 page of my sketches and rubbings.
The above research image inspires me for the orange and green colours within the star shape.
This star was found on the inside edge of a door frame and is about the size of a screw head.
The above research image inspires me for the shape of the star.
It was a photo taken of the surface of a large glass crystal.

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