Friday 24 August 2012

Module one, Chapter Eight

This chapter demanded more complex samples using padding and stitching instead of fabric. I identified that in order to make this work I would need to map out each of the layers in advance: the image below shows this planning alongside a small thumbnail image of the final samples.

Katie Green, module one, chapter eight, image one
1/8/1: Planning the layers
The following images show my final six samples. I found that the padding adding some interesting three-dimensional effects that I have been unable to showcase as effectively in photographing them. Sample five is a good example where the picture does not do the padding justice. My favourite sample was number two- I loved the way the minimal contrast actually lended more interest to the design with the subtle differences in the shades of red used. This also gave more emphasis to the padded middle which has been highlighted with the only colour contrast in green thread. Sample six: if I was to do this one again I would probably take the 'less is more' approach as I feel that the colour combinations along with the layer combinations are overkill and that the printing distracts from the main shapes (whereas I personally feel the printing complements the design in sample three) . Maybe this one would have worked better if I had stuck with red on red like I did with sample two.

Once again please note that my images appear faded in contrast with the actual colours of the samples. I have tried taking more photos but cannot seem to get the colour balance to reflect real life.

Katie Green, module one, chapter eight, image two
1/8/2: sample one

Katie Green, module one, chapter eight, image three
1/8/3: sample two
Katie Green, module one, chapter eight, image four
1/8/4: sample three
Katie Green, module one, chapter eight, image five
1/8/5: sample four
Katie Green, module one, chapter eight, image six
1/8/6: sample five
Katie Green, module one, chapter eight, image seven
1/8/7: sample six

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