Sunday 23 September 2012

Module one, chapter twelve.

For this Chapter I was required to study three artists:

  1. Herta Puls
  2. Kandinsky
  3. Someone of my own choice:
I decided to investigate the work of the Textiles and Fashion designer Zandra Rhodes.

I have always been a fan of the work of Zandra Rhodes and knew that among her vast catalogue of print designs she had produced patterns that used star motifs.

By chance, as I was investigating her further, I came across a book cover design that from a distance looked like a cross pattern. This meant that my study of her actually ticked two out of the three options to focus on!

For my studies I mainly used the internet to research these artists/designers however I was also lucky enough to already have access to a copy of Herta Puls book 'The Art of Cutwork and Applique' which gave me a great starting point to finding out what Mola embroidery was all about.

The most interesting thing about conducting these studies was that I wished I had investigated these artists at the start of the project rather than at the end of it as the module exercises directed me to. I feel that if I had looked at the ideas the work of these artists have given me as I was researching and developing my own thoughts that I might have taken influence from them and incorporated this inspiration in my own work. For example, I might have made more of the contouring aspects of the cut away applique that the Mola embroidery has to offer or I might have applied more consideration to the layout of my resolved sample so that it was more in a Kandinsky style. That said I can maybe use these influences in future modules and I will certainly be more aware of the potential for ideas that other artists and designers can offer when looking for inspiration when researching for future projects.

Please see below for my response to the studies.

Katie Green, module one, chapter twelve, image one
1/12/1: Study of Herta Puls and Mola embroidery

Katie Green, module one, chapter twelve, image two
1/12/2: Study of Kandinsky

Katie Green, module one, chapter twelve, image three
1/12/3: Study of my chosen artist: Zandra Rhodes


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