Sunday 5 May 2013

Supporting 'Paper work' for Module 2


The following schedule shows how I planned the work from the start of the module alongside what I actually achieved time wise.

2/Paperwork/1: Schedule
Costings for 3D functional item

2/Paperwork/2: Costings
 Health and Safety: Risk assessment and storage details

2/Paperwork/3: Health and safety and storage

 Photographic evidence of me working on module 2

2/Paperwork/4: Photo of me working on this module.
2/Paperwork/4: Photo of me working on this module.
The photo above shows me putting in the loops for the lacing fastening into my corset style top which was my 3D functional item for module 2.
*Note I still need to get my authentication form signed and uploaded. This will follow soon in a separate post.

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