Wednesday 29 May 2013

Module 3, Chapter one: Spirals research

3/1/1: Spiral mood board #1
3/1/1: Spiral mood board #1

Collecting spiral inspiration

To start my research for this module I produced 3 mood boards using images sourced from the Internet. The first was a collection of images that initially grabbed my attention. This was quite a random selection and ranged from spiral galaxies through to spirals within artworks.

The second focused on 'fractals': I was intrigued by the concept of spirals off of spirals. Fractals first caught my interest many years ago in an art college lecture and I have always remained fascinated. I realised when collecting images for the first mood board that fractal designs cropped up regularly in my spiral searches.

3/1/2: Spiral mood board #2
3/1/2: Spiral mood board #2

The third mood board was a collection of man-made versus natural spirals, or more specifically spiral staircases v spirals found within nature such as shells and plants. I particularly like how similar the design of a staircase is to the interior of a shell. I was also struck by how lovely the blues and orange/peach colours were in the shell picture and gave me initial thoughts for my project colour scheme.

3/1/3: Spiral mood board #3
3/1/3: Spiral mood board #3

Next, I took my camera on an expedition within and around my home to hunt down spirals- both the obvious and the more hidden variety. I found that jewellery and corsage items as well as lighting, curtain finials and soft furnishings held a wide range of spiral patterns.

The image below displays a montage of my photographs.

3/1/4: Spiral research: a montage of my own photographs
3/1/4: Spiral research: a montage of my own photographs

Following on from this research I produced 4 pages of sketches using the mood boards and my own photographs as inspiration for my drawings. These sketches are shown below:

3/1/5: Spiral research: my own sketches #1
3/1/5: Spiral research: my own sketches #1

3/1/6: Spiral research: my own sketches #2
3/1/6: Spiral research: my own sketches #2

3/1/7: Spiral research: my own sketches #3
3/1/7: Spiral research: my own sketches #3

3/1/8: Spiral research: my own sketches #4
3/1/8: Spiral research: my own sketches #4

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