Thursday 17 October 2013

Module 3, Chapter 2a: Design work, spiral warm up exercises

I completed this work a while ago, but have only just got around to blog it!

3/2a/1: Colour page
3/2a/1a: Colour page
I first needed to decide a colour scheme. The brief was to select 2 colours opposite each other on the colour wheel and I decided to select shades of blue and orange as these colours had already caught my eye while conducting my research.  
Although I selected blue and orange I was very aware that there was a considerable scale of shades, hues and tones within this ranging from pale peachy orange to a brown-orange and pale pastel blue and turquoise through to Navy. I decided to keep open minded over which types of blue and orange to work with.

3/2a/1b: sketches in colour
3/2a/1b: sketches in colour
Just for curiosity purposes I then scanned in my sketches from earlier to see what they would like like in my chosen colour scheme. I really liked the effect this gave and in particular I could really imagine the design as a repeated textiles print for fabric. Unfortunately only 3 of the 4 pictures have uploaded but the three that did hopefully are enough to showcase the effects I achieved. (for some reason one of them is refusing point blank to upload!).

3/2a/1c: sketches in colour
3/2a/1c: sketches in colour

3/2a/1d: sketches in colour
3/2a/1d: sketches in colour

The next stage was to source and create a range of appropriately coloured papers. The following images show a 'snapshot' of my collection of these. On some of these papers I made the point of creating a few spirals using the ink.
Creating Spirals

Once I had my papers ready to use, I then created a range of simple 2D shapes to explore some possible spiral ideas. I found however that the shapes did not necessarily lie flat- see the photo taken at an alternative angle which demonstrates the 3D nature of the shapes.
Finally I translated my spiral ideas in 3D using corrugated card to create a range of mini sculptures. I called my collection 'spiral city' as I felt the end result looks like an aerial view of a futuristic looking city-scape.
3/2a/2: Blue papers coloured by myself
3/2a/2: Blue papers coloured by myself

3/2a/3: various papers coloured by myself
3/2a/3: various papers coloured by myself

3/2a/4: orange papers coloured by myself
3/2a/4: orange papers coloured by myself

3/2a/4: Found papers
3/2a/4: Found papers

3/2a/5: Simple 2D spiral shapes
3/2a/5: Simple 2D spiral shapes

3/2a/6: Simple 2D spiral shapes from alternative angle showing 3D effect
3/2a/6: Simple 2D spiral shapes from alternative angle showing 3D effect

3/2a/7:3D corrugated card spiral city
3/2a/7:3D corrugated card spiral city

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