Sunday 24 March 2013

Module 2, Chapter 1: The study of tone

This chapter is all about tone- the transitioning from dark shades to light. The first image shows my first attempts at tonal columns using a black fineliner pen. For the second and third columns I was taking particular inspiration from my reptile research.

Black pen tonal columns
2/1/1: Black pen tonal columns
 Progressing on from the black pen, I tried a variety of mediums from white pen, paint and collage to see if I could create further tonal effects. The columns I created are in the image below. Note the second column on the right hand page- the flash from the camera gave an uneven effect in the photo and in reality all the dark 'blobs' are actually jet black.

Tonal columns using different mediums
2/1/2: Tonal columns using different mediums
 As I had been previously experimenting with mark making using Photoshop, I thought this would be an appropriate opportunity to continue these ideas but into my tonal columns. The following images show the results of these where I have used different brushes and filters for the mark making techniques and the spacing of marks / light and dark layers for the tonal effects.

Photoshop tonal columns sheet 1
2/1/3: Photoshop tonal columns sheet 1

Photoshop tonal columns sheet 2
2/1/4 Photoshop tonal columns sheet 2
Photoshop tonal columns sheet 3
2/1/5 Photoshop tonal columns sheet 3

Photoshop tonal columns sheet 4
2/1/6 Photoshop tonal columns sheet 4

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