Sunday 24 March 2013

Module 2, Chapter 3: Tonal effects in machine stitchery

I am lucky enough to have a sewing machine which has a wide variety of stitch options, plus the ability to do CAD/CAM embroidery. The following images show all my experiments for this chapter. My page annotations log the stitch settings for each sample. The final samples shown were specific experiments to try and give the essence of some of the animal markings that I had been looking at for inspiration.

I really liked the use of a thicker thread in the bobbin and sewing the sample upside down. I felt the textured effects this gave were interesting- especially with the contrasting top thread colour. On the downside however I was always winding bobbin thread as it ran out very quickly and had to un-jam my machine constantly. As a result I will think twice about using this thicker thread effect later on even though I love the texture.... however I do still like the idea of using contrasting top and bobbin threads.

Machine Stitchery 1
2/3/1: Machine Stitchery 1

Machine Stitchery 2
2/3/2: Machine Stitchery 2

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