Sunday 24 March 2013

Module 2, Chapter 5: Patterned papers

To create my first batch of patterned papers I applied black ink onto white paper using a variety of home made 'tools'. These tools were made from a variety of materials ranging from card implements bent and cut into a variety of forms, an old screw and an odd piece of neoprene! The image below shows a selection of what I created, however please note these are just off-cuts and I actually created a wider range of larger papers for use in other chapters later on.

Patterned papers using ink
2/5/1: Patterned papers using ink
My next batch of patterned papers were all created using various monoprinting techniques. Some were monoprints taken from patterned surfaces, others off surfaced that had been scribed with pattern using a variety of home made tools like before. I tried black printing onto white papers and vice versa. Once again the results below only represent a small selection of what I created, the bigger (and admittedly more successful!) pieces were used in later paper collages. Note the attempts at monoprinting off bubble wrap...inspired by my observations in chapter 4.

Patterned papers using monoprinting
2/5/2: Patterned papers using monoprinting
 The final image shows further patterned paper samples where I experimented with other printing techniques. I printed using the tools from the ink papers, the rim of an old lid, a rough old paintbrush, a sponge and also using the printing stamp I created in my module one project. I found this stamp was perfect as it was so similar in shape to the scales on the snakes skin. Again I experiemented with black on white versus white on black. Also in the image below at the top of the first page are my *failed* bleach samples. I do not think these failed because of the inks/papers I used (which I know should have worked as I have seen them work for my own students), but failed because the bleach was VERY old (dated back to the 90s!!!!). I was also reluctant to try any further bleach samples (or to buy some new bleach) as the mere whiff of it sets of migraines for me and the only way to ventilate was to have all the doors and windows in the house open. This was not practical considering the temperature outside at the time was colder than 0 degrees. As with all the previous patterned papers these are a small sample of what I actually created for future use later on in the project.

Other patterned papers
2/5/3: Other patterned papers

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