Saturday 4 January 2014

Module 3, Chapter 6: Simple tassels

3/6/1: simple tassels
3/6/1: simple tassels

3/6/2: experimental tassels
3/6/2: experimental tassels
The following images show the tassels I created for this chapter. I made the point of experimenting with a wide variety of threads and yarns especially through thickness and texture.

Personally I found the finer and smoother/shinier the yarn the more I liked the tassel. I also enjoyed securing tassels with stitchery on my machine as this added a wonderful extra embellishment to the overall effect.

The first picture shows my more basic tassel samples. For the middle row I deliberately chose contrasting yarns for effect.

The second picture shows my more experimental tassel samples. I tried using different textures such as fabric strips or wool tops. Most of these have been secured with machine stitching.

The photos that follow are close ups of a selection of the tassels showcased in the first two photos.

3/6/3: Fine thread tassels
3/6/3: Fine thread tassels
3/6/4: Tassels with stitchery
3/6/4: Tassels with stitchery

3/6/5: tassels with contrasting textures
3/6/5: tassels with contrasting textures

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