Saturday 4 January 2014

Module 3, Chapter 7: Simple button making

The most surprising thing about this chapter was that the buttons although they look really simple actually were more complex and time consuming to make than I expected! As a result I was unable to produce as many as I hoped to as I have been really time poor in recent times.

I decided to mount them onto a dark blue background as this to me showed off their colours and shapes to the best effect. I have included some close up views on some of the buttons.

I particularly enjoyed creating the more experimental ones- fusing fibres in mini cellophane parcels.

3/7/1: buttons
3/7/1: buttons

3/7/2: Woven button
3/7/2: Woven button (would have been more successful if I had considered how to fasten off the edges!)
3/7/3: Fabric, thread and beads wrapped button
3/7/3: Fabric, thread and beads wrapped button

3/7/4: Wool tops wrapped button
3/7/4: Wool tops wrapped button

Note that above it is a random disc button created by painting a component cut from another item. I thought it looked 'button like' so included it alongside my samples.

3/7/5: yarn wrapped button
3/7/5: yarn wrapped button
3/7/6: Fused cellophane button
3/7/6: Fused cellophane button

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