Sunday 31 May 2015

Module 4, chapter 11: considering possibilities for surface embellishments

So, I have decided on concept one in terms of shape and style. For the surface embellishments I have considered combining my previous favourite samples together. The following photos show the possible techniques and a very rough mock up on what they could look like on the final piece. I would like some of the patterns and textures to come from stitched letters or stitches that give a similar effect. I would also like to have a scale change and have the word 'cruise' somewhere on the piece in large. maybe this could be something that I could manufacture from my paper? Obviously my final piece is going to be far more intensely detailed than these suggest but they have helped me at least get a feel for colour and pattern combinations. I will also need to consider when making the final book type structure that there will be two visible sides- the one that is seen when it is wrapped up and the one that is seen when it is open. 


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