Wednesday 6 April 2016

Module 5, Chapter 6a: Tucks, pleats and gathers

The aim of this chapter was to investigate different ways in which I could tuck, pleat or gather fabric. The following pictures show some of the results of my experiments. There were many samples that didn't make the cut though as they either disintegrated, looked identical to ones I have presented here (probably because the changes I made to the manufacturing of them were too subtle!) or just went so wrong I started again (machine issues or I used the wrong setting for example). The ratio of success to failure meant that this was quite a challenging chapter for me.

My favourite method in all of these has to be the tucks. I loved the challenge of sewing so dangerously close to the edge and that it was  the fabric equivalent of drawing patterns with lines. Mexican pleating also gave interesting textures. Shiny fabrics such as satin looked really pretty but were significantly harder to work with. The stiffer the fabric the easier it was to keep shape.



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