Wednesday 6 April 2016

Module 5, Chapter 6b: Gathers

The first samples I created were by hand. Stitching by hand gave a less structured effect to those created by machine however at the same time I felt that I had more control over them during manufacture. A lot of the samples I created looked very similar to each other so here are 4 that seemed to represent them all! Top left I have nicked named 'the rose' effect, top right 'the button', bottom left 'the grid' and bottom right 'the indent'. There are probably many other patterns that can be created, I just personally found that no matter how I stitched the fabric, or what fabrics I used, I would ultimately see one of these four patterns emerge!
Interestingly I found that I could achieve a far wider range of effects through using a sewing machine. The resulting gathers were far finer too. This photo really doesn't do any of my samples any justice but hopefully conveys the diversity I achieved with this technique.
On a final note for this chapter, I ordered in elastic thread but it didn't arrive at the time I was working through this chapter. I had to do a lot of chasing to get it delivered at all, and it has only just arrived. If the work leads me towards its use later on in this module I will produce some further samples at that point if appropriate.

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