Monday 25 June 2012

Module One, Chapter One

Now that I have got a way into the course I have decided to blog each chapter I have worked through so far as an individual post.

The following photos show the research I completed in the first chapter: Internet/magazine/book research, my own photos, rubbings, my own sketches, colour wheel.

Please note that I have blogged some of this work previously but I want to consolodate the chapter with photos of all the work produced for it all in one post.

Photos will all be labelled in the following format: module/chapter/image number. I will only be commenting on images that I have not previously blogged that I feel need explanation.

Note: Apologies but for some reason the Blog software randomly chooses to put some of my landscape images as portrait and I have been unable to get round this issue just yet!

Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 1, Image 1
1/1/1: Internet/Magazine research
Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 1, Image 2
1/1/2: Internet research
Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 1, Image 3
1/1/3: Magazine research combined with my own photos
Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 1, Image 4
1/1/4: My own photos, sketches from research and rubbings
Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 1, Image 5
1/1/5: My own photos, a couple of images from magazines and my own sketches inspired by them
Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 1, Image 6
1/1/6: More research from photos/magazines, my own sketches and a few more rubbings
Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 1, Image 7
1/1/7: My colour wheel next to an enlarged photo which has colours I am inspired by
Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 1, Image 8
1/1/8: My colour wheel next to another enlarged photo which has colours and shapes I am inspired by

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