Monday 25 June 2012

Module one, chapter two

For this chapter I first had to consider a possible colour scheme to work within from this point onwards. From my research I had come across two possibilities which I explored further before deciding on colour scheme idea #2 with the greens contrasting against the reds and rusts. This colour scheme had been specifically inspired by a tiny star shaped fitting I had found inside my patio door hinge. I rejected the other colour scheme idea as the colours did not contrast enough for my liking and the overall effect was a little too subtle. The following picture shows my notes from this exercise:

Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 2, Image 1
1/2/1: Colour scheme explorations
After deciding on this colour scheme I wanted to explore how it would look with the photo that I had been inspired by for the alternative colour scheme: the close up on a glass paperweight crystal. I imported this image into 'Photoshop' and tried different variations of this. The result led me to develop my printing stamp which I then tested onto one of my inked backgrounds also created for this chapter.
Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 2, Image 2
1/2/2: Pages showing my Photoshop experiments and my initial testing of my stamp print onto an inked background

Next I then tested out a range of different patterns and effects with the printing stamp onto more of my inked backgrounds. I found using red onto green or blended colour backgrounds to have the best effect. I did try a green print but this did not look so good as it tended to blend too much into the background.

Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 2, Image 3
1/2/3: Further experiments with printing stamp onto coloured inked backgrounds
Katie Green, Module 1, Chapter 2, Image 4
1/2/4: Further printing experiments and collaged shapes using the printed papers.

Finally (see image above) I tested out a range of shapes using paper collage from my inked papers. These shapes were all inspired by my research in chapter one.

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