Wednesday 3 April 2013

Module 2, Chapter 11 continued: fabric samples

Stitched fabric samples based on my designs (Stage A)

For these samples I looked to my previous paper design ideas and tried to recreate some of them using the fabrics I had just embellished using my machine embroidery. To make the samples more interesting I used decorative stitching and frayed fabrics in the seams. I particularly like the long sample (c) on the page (see image below) and would seriously consider using this as part of my final piece.

2/11/fabric 1
2/11/fabric 1
 Stitched fabric sample (Stage B)

For this sample (image below) I was determined to produce a more effective result than the version I had created in chapter 10! I took everything I had learnt from the previous sample and created the following which I feel was much more successful. Even if I had used the same cut and piece format as before I feel it would be more interesting simply due to the embellished fabrics used. I love the texture the seams create- this feature would be great to use on any product I choose to make but I can really imagine it enhancing the look of a garment as it has a ruffly look.

2/11/fabric 2
2/11/fabric 2

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