Wednesday 3 April 2013

Module 2, Chapter 11: Further design exercises in preparation for fabric samples

To start this section for chapter 11, I used my patterned papers along with plain white and black papers to experiment with various layout possibilities and combinations. From doing these I was particularly struck at how different the same design can look just by switching from light to dark tones or from black to white paper. The results of these first efforts are in the image below.

Further design exercises
2/11/1 Further design exercises
 As it had been quite time consuming to create the above ideas out of paper, and with so many possibilities yet to discover, I decided to scan in some of my paper designs into the computer and use the computer as a quick and easy way to play with other ideas. My favourite outcomes can be seen in the images that follow. I found this was a very helpful way of seeing what could be achieved and it allowed me to create far more in the limited time I had than I would have done with the more traditional collage way. That said, I found that the simpler the design was the more effective in my opinion it appeared to be- something to keep in mind with my final piece as I have a bad habit of over thinking things!Using the computer was particularly good when trying the 'stack and whack' repeat patterns (see the bottom images).

 Further design exercises- using the computer
2/11/2 Further design exercises- using the computer
Further design exercises- using the computer and some stack and whack designs
2/11/3 Further design exercises- using the computer and some stack and whack designs
Further design exercises- some stack and whack designs
2/11/4 Further design exercises- some stack and whack designs
Further design exercises- Another Stack and whack idea
2/11/5 Further design exercises- Another Stack and whack idea

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