Tuesday 2 April 2013

Module 2, Chapter 8: 'Not what it seams!'

For this chapter I experimented with various ways of making a seam more interesting and to become a decorative feature rather than just part of the construction. I tried fraying fabric, inserting additional fabric pieces, decorative stitching, use of piping, inserting yarns and other variations/combinations of some of these techniques. I particularly liked the results of inserting extra fabric, fraying it and holding it down with decorative stitching. The more this can contrast with the main fabric the better.

I additionally tried my hand at creating decorative cords by twisting/stitching fabric strips, knotting, plaiting and twisting. My favourite is twisting as this is a technique that brings back many memories for me as it was one I used to do as a child.

Finally I used fabric strips rolled and tied to create my own toggle. I like the fact I can create my own personalised fastenings this way and this is something I would like to consider later on for my final piece. I would however chose to use the twist cord technique for the loop for my toggles to go through as the fabric loop feels a little clumsy to me.

Ideas for decorative seams and trimmings
2/8/1: Ideas for decorative seams and trimmings

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