Friday 20 February 2015

Module 4, Chapter 6: part 1: Ideas to decorate the drawn fabric

Using the black fabric (with the white warp threads) as a base I first drew out lines of blocks of threads across the width of the sample. Once the threads were withdrawn I had fun trying out a variety of ribbons and trimmings weaving them in and out of the withdrawn threads. As I had withdrawn the white threads the remaining threads were all black. This lead to a stripy effect across the ribbons and trimmings giving in my opinion quite a dramatic effect. On the bottom red ribbon part I used a zigzag stitch to warp the black threads a little. In one area this gives a slight chevron effect. This was however very tricky to keep in place to sew and I soon lost patience with this part of the sample.

Module 4, Chapter 6, part 1
Module 4, Chapter 6, part 1: weaving ribbons and other trimmings through the drawn thread areas

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