Thursday 19 February 2015

Module 4 Introduction

Module 4 is titled 'Loosely Lettering' with the themes of media, lettering, writing forms and the recycling of media items. This project will lead to a very special and (hopefully!) beautifully decorated 'media item'. This could be for example an item of stationery and will be made using hand made paper plus embroidery.

To start this module I investigated some possible end outcome ideas (see below). As a teacher I felt that an item linked to planning or organising would be useful. I was also interested in the idea of producing some kind of memory store for a cruise I was about to embark on and I feel that many of the items I researched would fulfill this requirement.

Module 4 Intro Image 1
Module 4 Intro Image 1: Items of stationery I could consider making

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