Friday 20 February 2015

Module 4, Chapter 7: paper plus grids

In order to create my samples I first needed to create withdrawn thread samples that would later have paper pulp added to them. Below is an image of these samples before the paper process was added. I confess that after the time it had taken to create these to this stage of the process I felt loathed to do anything further to them as I really appreciated how they looked as they were. This is why I made the point of taking this 'before' photo just in case anything went wrong with them.

Module 4, Chapter 7, image 1
Module 4, Chapter 7, image 1: Before paper is added

I found adding paper to my samples was more difficult than I thought it would be. It was a fine line between not adding enough paper pulp and adding too much resulting in not being able to see the drawn thread work detail. The following images show a couple of my samples that I felt just showed the right amount of balance between the two:

Module 4, Chapter 7, image 2
Module 4, Chapter 7, image 2

Module 4, Chapter 7, image 3
Module 4, Chapter 7, image 3

As well as apply paper pulp to my drawn thread samples I experimented with paper pulp over random threads and over the fruit netting. A 'summary' of my samples is shown in the photograph below:

Module 4, Chapter 7, image 4
Module 4, Chapter 7, image 4

Note that other samples I produced for this chapter I reserved for developing further into the next two chapters of this module.

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